Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Consumers will create mobile content: Nokia

Helsinki, Dec. 3: Within the next five years, a quarter of all entertainment content on the internet and mobile phones will be the work of consumers who mix and edit information to send to friends, finnish telephone maker nokia forecast on monday.

nokia said it had interviewed consumers aged between 16 and 35 in 17 countries between july and september about how they used such digital information, in an attempt to identify trends up to 2012.

"we predict that up to a quarter of the entertainment being consumed in five years will be what we call circular," nokia’s vice-president for multimedia mark selby said.

"the trends we are seeing show us that people will have a genuine desire not only to create and share their own content, but also to remix it, mash it up and pass it on within their peer groups — a form of collaborative social media."

the survey found that 39 per cent of those questioned regularly watch television via internet and 23 per cent on their mobile phone and that 37 per cent used their mobile phone to surf the internet.

Mr selby said that the survey suggested that in the future consumers would use their mobile phones along the following lines:

n someone shares video footage they shot on their mobile device from a night out with a friend; that friend takes that footage and adds an mp3 file — the soundtrack of the evening — then passes it to another friend.

n that friend, in turn, edits the footage by adding some photographs and passes it on to another friend and so on.

"the content keeps circulating between friends who may or may not be geographically close, and becomes part of the group’s entertainment," Mr Selby said.

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